Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Creative Energy is Seriously Weird Mojo

I hadn't realized how *set* I had become. I was privileged enough to have my own apt for 9 years. In SF. One of the major art cities of the US.

I didn't realize that I wouldn't always wake up with songs in my head like I did there.

But. I'm happy to report "They're B-a-a-a-a-c-k-k-k" (funny movie reference pun is on purpose)

Hopefully this is either the last or second to last place before I get an apartment I really want. I've heard from the 2 different apartment agents of good apartments & they both say my chances look great. In Germany they don't blow smoke up your back side... They just ignore you.

In early April this guy told me I should take this shoe-box because it was in the right place & I have to make compromises

I don't think my creative energy knows the meaning of the word compromise.

I know this because I just moved into this place. The owner is a lovely artist. She didn't clean up the space too much for me. But. She's talented in so many ways. I've enjoyed hanging out with her several times. She's a very lovely & very intelligent & caring person

And. Immediately I am having lovely dreams. This morning I woke up with this track in my head. The same one from 3 years ago in SF. I've already had so many ideas this morning. It's one of these days where I feel thrilled to be alive & living in this city I love.

I wish similar happiness for you.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Apartment Hunting in Full Effect

I've finished up with as much German class as I am going to do for now. So the apartment/room search is in full effect.

Firstly, thanks to a sweet dear wonderful German friend of mine for this link. He's been there for me through thick & thin. https://jonworth.eu/how-to-find-a-flat-in-berlin/

There's a lot to even getting your paper work ducks in a row to find a place.

I literally looked at over 500 listings today! I have 1 appointment tonight & 3 tomorrow. Tonight's is by invitation only but tomorrow's 3 are cattle calls. None of these are super great locations. But my longest German friend lives within walking distance. I really do love playing football (soccer) with him & his kids. His partner is a wonderful lady. And I'm nearby a cool club so this makes this location good for me.

One place in a great location has told me i made the final cut to have an appointment. the fine print? they are available 1 August. Also. they are a little more than i wanted to pay.

There's another place i am quite a bit excited about. Also a little more than what i want to pay.

alrightey universe! hook a sister up will you?

Friday, June 5, 2015

Oh... The Irony

When I decided to stop doing software engineering to do music full time, I had a very clear reason. Getting up at 5 AM to do music before my engineering job was exhausting! I could only do 3-4 hours on a good day. It seemed that always I would finally hit on something & have to leave to go to work. It truly sucked

These days I am back getting up at 5 AM again! Wh-what? My over 3 hours of German school starts at 13:00. The bike ride there is 30 minutes & you have to be early to get a decent seat. I have over 90 minutes of homework every day if I do all the vocabulary at the end of the chapters to include conjugating the verbs. We do 1-2 chapters every day.

German school wipes me out much in the same way that my engineering job used to. It's the equivalent of taking your brain & putting it inside a blender.

I spend a while online apartment hunting every morning. That takes longer than you think.

I do my DJing/track hunting after class.

I definitely need more time with my music. So 5 AM it is.

I have 3 more months of this to be able to take my fluency exam.

I was thinking about taking a break but my closest German friend made a very good point. He told me you know you will never go back. Once you get used to an easier schedule you won't do it. It's now or never. You have to suck it up. You can do it!

So I'm doing it. It's seriously ironic that I'm back to this.